cschwinne 89afdd2b17 Most 0.6.0 features working
LEDs now turn on instantly after boot
Support Hardware ESP32 RMT NeopixelBus library
Added setting to force old LED boot behavior (init after WiFi)
Fixed overlay switching bug
Fixed ? characters in usused macros
Added transitionDelay to notifier packet
2018-03-15 12:04:14 +01:00

167 lines
5.3 KiB

* Acquires time from NTP server
TimeChangeRule UTCr = {Last, Sun, Mar, 1, 0}; // UTC
Timezone tzUTC(UTCr, UTCr);
TimeChangeRule BST = {Last, Sun, Mar, 1, 60}; // British Summer Time
TimeChangeRule GMT = {Last, Sun, Oct, 2, 0}; // Standard Time
Timezone tzUK(BST, GMT);
TimeChangeRule CEST = {Last, Sun, Mar, 2, 120}; //Central European Summer Time
TimeChangeRule CET = {Last, Sun, Oct, 3, 60}; //Central European Standard Time
Timezone tzEUCentral(CEST, CET);
TimeChangeRule EEST = {Last, Sun, Mar, 3, 180}; //Central European Summer Time
TimeChangeRule EET = {Last, Sun, Oct, 4, 120}; //Central European Standard Time
Timezone tzEUEastern(EEST, EET);
TimeChangeRule EDT = {Second, Sun, Mar, 2, -240 }; //Daylight time = UTC - 4 hours
TimeChangeRule EST = {First, Sun, Nov, 2, -300 }; //Standard time = UTC - 5 hours
Timezone tzUSEastern(EDT, EST);
TimeChangeRule CDT = {Second, Sun, Mar, 2, -300 }; //Daylight time = UTC - 5 hours
TimeChangeRule CST = {First, Sun, Nov, 2, -360 }; //Standard time = UTC - 6 hours
Timezone tzUSCentral(CDT, CST);
TimeChangeRule MDT = {Second, Sun, Mar, 2, -360 }; //Daylight time = UTC - 6 hours
TimeChangeRule MST = {First, Sun, Nov, 2, -420 }; //Standard time = UTC - 7 hours
Timezone tzUSMountain(MDT, MST);
Timezone tzUSArizona(MST, MST); //Mountain without DST
TimeChangeRule PDT = {Second, Sun, Mar, 2, -420 }; //Daylight time = UTC - 7 hours
TimeChangeRule PST = {First, Sun, Nov, 2, -480 }; //Standard time = UTC - 8 hours
Timezone tzUSPacific(PDT, PST);
TimeChangeRule ChST = {Last, Sun, Mar, 1, 480}; // China Standard Time = UTC + 8 hours
Timezone tzChina(ChST, ChST);
TimeChangeRule JST = {Last, Sun, Mar, 1, 540}; // Japan Standard Time = UTC + 9 hours
Timezone tzJapan(JST, JST);
TimeChangeRule AEDT = {Second, Sun, Oct, 2, 660 }; //Daylight time = UTC + 11 hours
TimeChangeRule AEST = {First, Sun, Apr, 3, 600 }; //Standard time = UTC + 10 hours
Timezone tzAUEastern(AEDT, AEST);
TimeChangeRule NZDT = {Second, Sun, Sep, 2, 780 }; //Daylight time = UTC + 13 hours
TimeChangeRule NZST = {First, Sun, Apr, 3, 720 }; //Standard time = UTC + 12 hours
Timezone tzNZ(NZDT, NZST);
Timezone* timezones[] = { &tzUTC, &tzUK, &tzEUCentral, &tzEUEastern, &tzUSEastern, &tzUSCentral, &tzUSMountain, &tzUSArizona, &tzUSPacific, &tzChina, &tzJapan, &tzAUEastern, &tzNZ};
void handleNetworkTime()
if (ntpEnabled && ntpConnected && millis() - ntpLastSyncTime > 50000000L && WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
if (millis() - ntpPacketSentTime > 10000)
ntpPacketSentTime = millis();
if (checkNTPResponse())
ntpLastSyncTime = millis();
void sendNTPPacket()
const char* ntpsrv = ntpServerName.c_str();
WiFi.hostByName(ntpsrv, ntpServerIP);
DEBUG_PRINTLN("send NTP packet");
memset(ntpPacketBuffer, 0, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);
ntpPacketBuffer[0] = 0b11100011; // LI, Version, Mode
ntpPacketBuffer[1] = 0; // Stratum, or type of clock
ntpPacketBuffer[2] = 6; // Polling Interval
ntpPacketBuffer[3] = 0xEC; // Peer Clock Precision
// 8 bytes of zero for Root Delay & Root Dispersion
ntpPacketBuffer[12] = 49;
ntpPacketBuffer[13] = 0x4E;
ntpPacketBuffer[14] = 49;
ntpPacketBuffer[15] = 52;
ntpUdp.beginPacket(ntpServerIP, 123); //NTP requests are to port 123
ntpUdp.write(ntpPacketBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);
bool checkNTPResponse()
int cb = ntpUdp.parsePacket();
if (cb) {
DEBUG_PRINT("packet received, length=");
ntpUdp.read(ntpPacketBuffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // read the packet into the buffer
unsigned long highWord = word(ntpPacketBuffer[40], ntpPacketBuffer[41]);
unsigned long lowWord = word(ntpPacketBuffer[42], ntpPacketBuffer[43]);
if (highWord == 0 && lowWord == 0) return false;
unsigned long secsSince1900 = highWord << 16 | lowWord;
DEBUG_PRINT("Unix time = ");
unsigned long epoch = secsSince1900 - 2208988800UL; //subtract 70 years
if (countdownTime - now() > 0) countdownOverTriggered = false;
return true;
return false;
void updateLocalTime()
unsigned long tmc = now()+ utcOffsetSecs;
local = timezones[currentTimezone]->toLocal(tmc);
String getTimeString()
String ret = monthStr(month(local));
ret = ret + " ";
ret = ret + day(local);
ret = ret + " ";
ret = ret + year(local);
ret = ret + ", ";
ret += (useAMPM)? hour(local)%12:hour(local);
ret = ret + ":";
if (minute(local) < 10) ret = ret + "0";
ret = ret + minute(local);
ret = ret + ":";
if (second(local) < 10) ret = ret + "0";
ret = ret + second(local);
if (useAMPM)
ret += (hour(local) > 11)? " PM":" AM";
return ret;
void setCountdown()
countdownTime = timezones[currentTimezone]->toUTC(getUnixTime(countdownHour, countdownMin, countdownSec, countdownDay, countdownMonth, countdownYear));
if (countdownTime - now() > 0) countdownOverTriggered = false;
//returns true if countdown just over
bool checkCountdown()
long diff = countdownTime - now();
local = abs(diff);
if (diff <0 && !countdownOverTriggered)
if (macroCountdown != 0) applyMacro(macroCountdown);
countdownOverTriggered = true;
return true;
return false;