cschwinne 89afdd2b17 Most 0.6.0 features working
LEDs now turn on instantly after boot
Support Hardware ESP32 RMT NeopixelBus library
Added setting to force old LED boot behavior (init after WiFi)
Fixed overlay switching bug
Fixed ? characters in usused macros
Added transitionDelay to notifier packet
2018-03-15 12:04:14 +01:00

208 lines
5.3 KiB

* Sync to Philips hue lights
void handleHue()
if (huePollingEnabled && WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
if (millis() - hueLastRequestSent > huePollIntervalMsTemp)
bool setupHue()
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) //setup needed
if (hueApiKey.length()>20) //api key is probably ok
if (sendHuePoll(false))
huePollingEnabled = true;
return true;
if (hueError.charAt(0) == 'R' || hueError.charAt(0) == 'I') return false; //can't connect
sendHuePoll(true); //new API key
if (hueError.charAt(0) != 'C') return false; //still some error
if (sendHuePoll(false))
huePollingEnabled = true;
return true;
return false;
else return false;
return true;
bool sendHuePoll(bool sAuth)
bool st;
String hueURL = "http://";
hueURL += hueIP.toString();
hueURL += "/api/";
if (!sAuth) {
hueURL += hueApiKey;
hueURL += "/lights/" + String(huePollLightId);
int httpCode = (sAuth)? hueClient.POST("{\"devicetype\":\"wled#esp\"}"):hueClient.GET();
//TODO this request may block operation for ages
if (httpCode>0){
st = handleHueResponse(hueClient.getString(),sAuth);
} else {
hueError = "Request timed out";
st = false;
if (!st){ //error
if (huePollIntervalMsTemp<300000) huePollIntervalMsTemp*=2; // only poll every ~5min when unable to connect
if (hueFailCount > 150) huePollingEnabled = false; //disable after many hours offline
hueLastRequestSent = millis();
return st;
bool handleHueResponse(String hueResp, bool isAuth)
if (hueResp.indexOf("error")>0)//hue bridge returned error
int hueErrorCode = getJsonValue(&hueResp,"type").toInt();
switch (hueErrorCode)
case 1: hueError = "Unauthorized"; break;
case 3: hueError = "Invalid light ID"; break;
case 101: hueError = "Link button not pressed"; break;
default: hueError = "Bridge Error " + String(hueErrorCode);
return false;
if (isAuth)
String tempApi = getJsonValue(&hueResp,"username");
if (tempApi.length()>0)
hueApiKey = tempApi;
return true;
hueError = "Invalid response";
return false;
float hueX=0, hueY=0;
uint16_t hueHue=0, hueCt=0;
byte hueBri=0, hueSat=0, hueColormode=0;
if (getJsonValue(&hueResp,"on").charAt(0) == 't')
String tempV = getJsonValue(&hueResp,"bri");
if (tempV.length()>0) //Dimmable device
hueBri = (tempV.toInt())+1;
tempV = getJsonValue(&hueResp,"colormode");
if (hueApplyColor && tempV.length()>0) //Color device
if (tempV.charAt(0) == 'x') //xy mode
tempV = getJsonValue(&hueResp,"xy");
if (tempV.length()>0) //valid
hueColormode = 1;
hueX = tempV.toFloat();
tempV = tempV.substring(tempV.indexOf(',')+1);
hueY = tempV.toFloat();
} else if (tempV.charAt(0) == 'h') //hs mode
tempV = getJsonValue(&hueResp,"hue");
if (tempV.length()>0) //valid
hueColormode = 2;
hueHue = tempV.toInt();
tempV = getJsonValue(&hueResp,"sat");
if (tempV.length()>0) //valid
hueSat = tempV.toInt();
} else //ct mode
tempV = getJsonValue(&hueResp,"\"ct"); //dirty hack to not get effect value instead
if (tempV.length()>0) //valid
hueColormode = 3;
hueCt = tempV.toInt();
} else //On/Off device
hueBri = briLast;
} else
hueBri = 0;
hueFailCount = 0;
huePollIntervalMsTemp = huePollIntervalMs;
hueError = "Connected";
//applying vals
if (hueBri != hueBriLast)
bri = hueBri;
if (hueApplyOnOff)
if (hueBri==0) {bri = 0;}
else if (bri==0 && hueBri>0) bri = briLast;
if (hueApplyBri)
if (hueBri>0) bri = hueBri;
hueBriLast = hueBri;
if (hueApplyColor)
case 1: if (hueX != hueXLast || hueY != hueYLast) colorXYtoRGB(hueX,hueY,col); hueXLast = hueX; hueYLast = hueY; break;
case 2: if (hueHue != hueHueLast || hueSat != hueSatLast) colorHStoRGB(hueHue,hueSat,col); hueHueLast = hueHue; hueSatLast = hueSat; break;
case 3: if (hueCt != hueCtLast) colorCTtoRGB(hueCt,col); hueCtLast = hueCt; break;
return true;
String getJsonValue(String* req, String key)
//TODO may replace with ArduinoJSON if too complex
//this is horribly inefficient and designed to work only in this case
uint16_t pos = req->indexOf(key);
String b = req->substring(pos + key.length()+2);
if (b.charAt(0)=='\"') //is string
return b.substring(1,b.substring(1).indexOf('\"')+1);
} else if (b.charAt(0)=='[') //is array
return b.substring(1,b.indexOf(']'));
} else //is primitive type
return b.substring(0,b.indexOf(',')); //this works only if value not last
return "";