Chris AtLee 8d318e7206 Return remaining nightlight time in json API
This returns the number of seconds remaining in the nightlight in the
"rem" field of the nightlight ("nl") state. If there is no nightlight
active, it returns -1.
2020-11-08 10:44:25 -05:00

572 lines
16 KiB

#include "wled.h"
* JSON API (De)serialization
void deserializeSegment(JsonObject elem, byte it)
byte id = elem[F("id")] | it;
if (id < strip.getMaxSegments())
WS2812FX::Segment& seg = strip.getSegment(id);
uint16_t start = elem[F("start")] | seg.start;
int stop = elem[F("stop")] | -1;
if (stop < 0) {
uint16_t len = elem[F("len")];
stop = (len > 0) ? start + len : seg.stop;
uint16_t grp = elem[F("grp")] | seg.grouping;
uint16_t spc = elem[F("spc")] | seg.spacing;
strip.setSegment(id, start, stop, grp, spc);
int segbri = elem["bri"] | -1;
if (segbri == 0) {
seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, 0);
} else if (segbri > 0) {
seg.opacity = segbri;
seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, 1);
seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_ON, elem["on"] | seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_ON));
JsonArray colarr = elem[F("col")];
if (!colarr.isNull())
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
JsonArray colX = colarr[i];
if (colX.isNull()) break;
byte sz = colX.size();
if (sz > 0 && sz < 5)
int rgbw[] = {0,0,0,0};
byte cp = copyArray(colX, rgbw);
if (cp == 1) {
if (rgbw[0] == 0) seg.colors[i] = 0;
else {
byte ctrgb[] = {0,0,0,0};
colorKtoRGB(rgbw[0], ctrgb);
for (uint8_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) rgbw[c] = ctrgb[c];
if (id == strip.getMainSegmentId() && i < 2) //temporary, to make transition work on main segment
if (i == 0) {col[0] = rgbw[0]; col[1] = rgbw[1]; col[2] = rgbw[2]; col[3] = rgbw[3];}
if (i == 1) {colSec[0] = rgbw[0]; colSec[1] = rgbw[1]; colSec[2] = rgbw[2]; colSec[3] = rgbw[3];}
} else {
seg.colors[i] = ((rgbw[3] << 24) | ((rgbw[0]&0xFF) << 16) | ((rgbw[1]&0xFF) << 8) | ((rgbw[2]&0xFF)));
// lx parser
int lx = elem[F("lx")] | -1;
if (lx > 0) {
parseLxJson(lx, id, false);
int ly = elem[F("ly")] | -1;
if (ly > 0) {
parseLxJson(ly, id, true);
//if (pal != seg.palette && pal < strip.getPaletteCount()) strip.setPalette(pal);
seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_SELECTED, elem[F("sel")] | seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_SELECTED));
seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_REVERSED, elem[F("rev")] | seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_REVERSED));
seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_MIRROR , elem[F("mi")] | seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_MIRROR ));
//temporary, strip object gets updated via colorUpdated()
if (id == strip.getMainSegmentId()) {
effectCurrent = elem[F("fx")] | effectCurrent;
effectSpeed = elem[F("sx")] | effectSpeed;
effectIntensity = elem[F("ix")] | effectIntensity;
effectPalette = elem[F("pal")] | effectPalette;
} else { //permanent
byte fx = elem[F("fx")] | seg.mode;
if (fx != seg.mode && fx < strip.getModeCount()) strip.setMode(id, fx);
seg.speed = elem[F("sx")] | seg.speed;
seg.intensity = elem[F("ix")] | seg.intensity;
seg.palette = elem[F("pal")] | seg.palette;
JsonArray iarr = elem[F("i")]; //set individual LEDs
if (!iarr.isNull()) {
//freeze and init to black
if (!seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_FREEZE)) {
seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_FREEZE, true);
uint16_t start = 0, stop = 0;
byte set = 0; //0 nothing set, 1 start set, 2 range set
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < iarr.size(); i++) {
if(iarr[i].is<JsonInteger>()) {
if (!set) {
start = iarr[i];
set = 1;
} else {
stop = iarr[i];
set = 2;
} else {
JsonArray icol = iarr[i];
if (icol.isNull()) break;
byte sz = icol.size();
if (sz == 0 && sz > 4) break;
int rgbw[] = {0,0,0,0};
byte cp = copyArray(icol, rgbw);
if (set < 2) stop = start + 1;
for (uint16_t i = start; i < stop; i++) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, rgbw[0], rgbw[1], rgbw[2], rgbw[3]);
if (!set) start++;
set = 0;
} else { //return to regular effect
seg.setOption(SEG_OPTION_FREEZE, false);
bool deserializeState(JsonObject root)
strip.applyToAllSelected = false;
bool stateResponse = root[F("v")] | false;
int ps = root[F("ps")] | -1;
if (ps >= 0) applyPreset(ps);
bri = root["bri"] | bri;
bool on = root["on"] | (bri > 0);
if (!on != !bri) toggleOnOff();
int tr = root[F("transition")] | -1;
if (tr >= 0)
transitionDelay = tr;
transitionDelay *= 100;
tr = root[F("tt")] | -1;
if (tr >= 0)
transitionDelayTemp = tr;
transitionDelayTemp *= 100;
jsonTransitionOnce = true;
int cy = root[F("pl")] | -2;
if (cy > -2) presetCyclingEnabled = (cy >= 0);
JsonObject ccnf = root[F("ccnf")];
presetCycleMin = ccnf[F("min")] | presetCycleMin;
presetCycleMax = ccnf[F("max")] | presetCycleMax;
tr = ccnf[F("time")] | -1;
if (tr >= 2) presetCycleTime = tr;
JsonObject nl = root[F("nl")];
nightlightActive = nl["on"] | nightlightActive;
nightlightDelayMins = nl[F("dur")] | nightlightDelayMins;
nightlightMode = nl[F("fade")] | nightlightMode; //deprecated
nightlightMode = nl[F("mode")] | nightlightMode;
nightlightTargetBri = nl[F("tbri")] | nightlightTargetBri;
JsonObject udpn = root[F("udpn")];
notifyDirect = udpn[F("send")] | notifyDirect;
receiveNotifications = udpn[F("recv")] | receiveNotifications;
bool noNotification = udpn[F("nn")]; //send no notification just for this request
int timein = root[F("time")] | -1;
if (timein != -1) setTime(timein);
doReboot = root[F("rb")] | doReboot;
realtimeOverride = root[F("lor")] | realtimeOverride;
if (realtimeOverride > 2) realtimeOverride = REALTIME_OVERRIDE_ALWAYS;
byte prevMain = strip.getMainSegmentId();
strip.mainSegment = root[F("mainseg")] | prevMain;
if (strip.getMainSegmentId() != prevMain) setValuesFromMainSeg();
int it = 0;
JsonVariant segVar = root[F("seg")];
if (segVar.is<JsonObject>())
int id = segVar[F("id")] | -1;
if (id < 0) { //set all selected segments
bool didSet = false;
byte lowestActive = 99;
for (byte s = 0; s < strip.getMaxSegments(); s++)
WS2812FX::Segment sg = strip.getSegment(s);
if (sg.isActive())
if (lowestActive == 99) lowestActive = s;
if (sg.isSelected()) {
deserializeSegment(segVar, s);
didSet = true;
if (!didSet && lowestActive < strip.getMaxSegments()) deserializeSegment(segVar, lowestActive);
} else { //set only the segment with the specified ID
deserializeSegment(segVar, it);
} else {
JsonArray segs = segVar.as<JsonArray>();
for (JsonObject elem : segs)
deserializeSegment(elem, it);
//write presets to flash directly?
bool persistSaves = !(root[F("np")] | false);
ps = root[F("psave")] | -1;
if (ps >= 0) savePreset(ps, persistSaves);
return stateResponse;
void serializeSegment(JsonObject& root, WS2812FX::Segment& seg, byte id)
root[F("id")] = id;
root[F("start")] = seg.start;
root[F("stop")] = seg.stop;
root[F("len")] = seg.stop - seg.start;
root[F("grp")] = seg.grouping;
root[F("spc")] = seg.spacing;
root["on"] = seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_ON);
byte segbri = seg.opacity;
root["bri"] = (segbri) ? segbri : 255;
JsonArray colarr = root.createNestedArray("col");
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
JsonArray colX = colarr.createNestedArray();
if (id == strip.getMainSegmentId() && i < 2) //temporary, to make transition work on main segment
if (i == 0) {
colX.add(col[0]); colX.add(col[1]); colX.add(col[2]); if (useRGBW) colX.add(col[3]);
} else {
colX.add(colSec[0]); colX.add(colSec[1]); colX.add(colSec[2]); if (useRGBW) colX.add(colSec[3]);
} else {
colX.add((seg.colors[i] >> 16) & 0xFF);
colX.add((seg.colors[i] >> 8) & 0xFF);
colX.add((seg.colors[i]) & 0xFF);
if (useRGBW)
colX.add((seg.colors[i] >> 24) & 0xFF);
root[F("fx")] = seg.mode;
root[F("sx")] = seg.speed;
root[F("ix")] = seg.intensity;
root[F("pal")] = seg.palette;
root[F("sel")] = seg.isSelected();
root[F("rev")] = seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_REVERSED);
root[F("mi")] = seg.getOption(SEG_OPTION_MIRROR);
void serializeState(JsonObject root)
if (errorFlag) root[F("error")] = errorFlag;
root["on"] = (bri > 0);
root["bri"] = briLast;
root[F("transition")] = transitionDelay/100; //in 100ms
root[F("ps")] = currentPreset;
root[F("pss")] = savedPresets;
root[F("pl")] = (presetCyclingEnabled) ? 0: -1;
//temporary for preset cycle
JsonObject ccnf = root.createNestedObject("ccnf");
ccnf[F("min")] = presetCycleMin;
ccnf[F("max")] = presetCycleMax;
ccnf[F("time")] = presetCycleTime;
JsonObject nl = root.createNestedObject("nl");
nl["on"] = nightlightActive;
nl[F("dur")] = nightlightDelayMins;
nl[F("fade")] = (nightlightMode > NL_MODE_SET); //deprecated
nl[F("mode")] = nightlightMode;
nl[F("tbri")] = nightlightTargetBri;
if (nightlightActive) {
nl[F("rem")] = (nightlightDelayMs - (millis() - nightlightStartTime)) / 1000; // seconds remaining
} else {
nl[F("rem")] = -1;
JsonObject udpn = root.createNestedObject("udpn");
udpn[F("send")] = notifyDirect;
udpn[F("recv")] = receiveNotifications;
root[F("lor")] = realtimeOverride;
root[F("mainseg")] = strip.getMainSegmentId();
JsonArray seg = root.createNestedArray("seg");
for (byte s = 0; s < strip.getMaxSegments(); s++)
WS2812FX::Segment sg = strip.getSegment(s);
if (sg.isActive())
JsonObject seg0 = seg.createNestedObject();
serializeSegment(seg0, sg, s);
//by https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager/blob/master/WiFiManager.cpp
int getSignalQuality(int rssi)
int quality = 0;
if (rssi <= -100)
quality = 0;
else if (rssi >= -50)
quality = 100;
quality = 2 * (rssi + 100);
return quality;
void serializeInfo(JsonObject root)
root[F("ver")] = versionString;
root[F("vid")] = VERSION;
//root[F("cn")] = WLED_CODENAME;
JsonObject leds = root.createNestedObject("leds");
leds[F("count")] = ledCount;
leds[F("rgbw")] = useRGBW;
leds[F("wv")] = useRGBW && (strip.rgbwMode == RGBW_MODE_MANUAL_ONLY || strip.rgbwMode == RGBW_MODE_DUAL); //should a white channel slider be displayed?
JsonArray leds_pin = leds.createNestedArray("pin");
leds[F("pwr")] = strip.currentMilliamps;
leds[F("maxpwr")] = (strip.currentMilliamps)? strip.ablMilliampsMax : 0;
leds[F("maxseg")] = strip.getMaxSegments();
leds[F("seglock")] = false; //will be used in the future to prevent modifications to segment config
root[F("str")] = syncToggleReceive;
root[F("name")] = serverDescription;
root[F("udpport")] = udpPort;
root[F("live")] = (bool)realtimeMode;
switch (realtimeMode) {
case REALTIME_MODE_INACTIVE: root["lm"] = ""; break;
case REALTIME_MODE_GENERIC: root["lm"] = ""; break;
case REALTIME_MODE_UDP: root["lm"] = F("UDP"); break;
case REALTIME_MODE_HYPERION: root["lm"] = F("Hyperion"); break;
case REALTIME_MODE_E131: root["lm"] = F("E1.31"); break;
case REALTIME_MODE_ADALIGHT: root["lm"] = F("USB Adalight/TPM2"); break;
case REALTIME_MODE_ARTNET: root["lm"] = F("Art-Net"); break;
case REALTIME_MODE_TPM2NET: root["lm"] = F("tpm2.net"); break;
case REALTIME_MODE_DDP: root["lm"] = F("DDP"); break;
if (realtimeIP[0] == 0)
root[F("lip")] = "";
} else {
root[F("lip")] = realtimeIP.toString();
root[F("ws")] = ws.count();
root[F("ws")] = -1;
root[F("fxcount")] = strip.getModeCount();
root[F("palcount")] = strip.getPaletteCount();
JsonObject wifi_info = root.createNestedObject("wifi");
wifi_info[F("bssid")] = WiFi.BSSIDstr();
int qrssi = WiFi.RSSI();
wifi_info[F("rssi")] = qrssi;
wifi_info[F("signal")] = getSignalQuality(qrssi);
wifi_info[F("channel")] = WiFi.channel();
wifi_info[F("txPower")] = (int) WiFi.getTxPower();
wifi_info[F("sleep")] = (bool) WiFi.getSleep();
root[F("arch")] = "esp32";
root[F("core")] = ESP.getSdkVersion();
//root[F("maxalloc")] = ESP.getMaxAllocHeap();
root[F("resetReason0")] = (int)rtc_get_reset_reason(0);
root[F("resetReason1")] = (int)rtc_get_reset_reason(1);
root[F("lwip")] = 0;
root[F("arch")] = "esp8266";
root[F("core")] = ESP.getCoreVersion();
//root[F("maxalloc")] = ESP.getMaxFreeBlockSize();
root[F("resetReason")] = (int)ESP.getResetInfoPtr()->reason;
root[F("lwip")] = LWIP_VERSION_MAJOR;
root[F("freeheap")] = ESP.getFreeHeap();
root[F("uptime")] = millis()/1000 + rolloverMillis*4294967;
byte os = 0;
os = 0x80;
os += 0x40;
os += 0x20;
os += 0x10;
os += 0x08;
os += 0x04;
os += 0x02;
os += 0x01;
root[F("opt")] = os;
root[F("brand")] = "WLED";
root[F("product")] = F("FOSS");
root["mac"] = escapedMac;
void serveJson(AsyncWebServerRequest* request)
byte subJson = 0;
const String& url = request->url();
if (url.indexOf("state") > 0) subJson = 1;
else if (url.indexOf("info") > 0) subJson = 2;
else if (url.indexOf("si") > 0) subJson = 3;
else if (url.indexOf("live") > 0) {
else if (url.indexOf(F("eff")) > 0) {
request->send_P(200, "application/json", JSON_mode_names);
else if (url.indexOf(F("pal")) > 0) {
request->send_P(200, "application/json", JSON_palette_names);
else if (url.length() > 6) { //not just /json
request->send( 501, "application/json", F("{\"error\":\"Not implemented\"}"));
AsyncJsonResponse* response = new AsyncJsonResponse(JSON_BUFFER_SIZE);
JsonObject doc = response->getRoot();
switch (subJson)
case 1: //state
serializeState(doc); break;
case 2: //info
serializeInfo(doc); break;
default: //all
JsonObject state = doc.createNestedObject("state");
JsonObject info = doc.createNestedObject("info");
if (subJson != 3)
doc[F("effects")] = serialized((const __FlashStringHelper*)JSON_mode_names);
doc[F("palettes")] = serialized((const __FlashStringHelper*)JSON_palette_names);
#define MAX_LIVE_LEDS 180
bool serveLiveLeds(AsyncWebServerRequest* request, uint32_t wsClient)
AsyncWebSocketClient * wsc;
if (!request) { //not HTTP, use Websockets
wsc = ws.client(wsClient);
if (!wsc || wsc->queueLength() > 0) return false; //only send if queue free
uint16_t used = ledCount;
uint16_t n = (used -1) /MAX_LIVE_LEDS +1; //only serve every n'th LED if count over MAX_LIVE_LEDS
char buffer[2000];
strcpy_P(buffer, PSTR("{\"leds\":["));
obuf = buffer;
olen = 9;
for (uint16_t i= 0; i < used; i += n)
olen += sprintf(obuf + olen, "\"%06X\",", strip.getPixelColor(i));
olen -= 1;
oappend((const char*)F("],\"n\":"));
if (request) {
request->send(200, "application/json", buffer);
else {
wsc->text(obuf, olen);
return true;