Mike 068c5851ef
Add fields for customization Blynk host (#1543)
* Add fields for customization Blynk host

Add fields to 'Sync Interfaces' for customization Blynk host.
Now you can set you own Blynk server.
All you needs its set custom host and port to local Blync server.

* Lower blynk host length (memory usage)

Co-authored-by: cschwinne <dev.aircoookie@gmail.com>
2020-12-22 00:44:16 +01:00

701 lines
23 KiB

#include "wled.h"
* Serializes and parses the cfg.json and wsec.json settings files, stored in internal FS.
* The structure of the JSON is not to be considered an official API and may change without notice.
//simple macro for ArduinoJSON's or syntax
#define CJSON(a,b) a = b | a
void getStringFromJson(char* dest, const char* src, size_t len) {
if (src != nullptr) strlcpy(dest, src, len);
void deserializeConfig() {
bool fromeep = false;
bool success = deserializeConfigSec();
if (!success) { //if file does not exist, try reading from EEPROM
fromeep = true;
DynamicJsonDocument doc(JSON_BUFFER_SIZE);
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Reading settings from /cfg.json..."));
success = readObjectFromFile("/cfg.json", nullptr, &doc);
if (!success) { //if file does not exist, try reading from EEPROM
if (!fromeep) deEEPSettings();
//deserializeJson(doc, json);
//int rev_major = doc[F("rev")][0]; // 1
//int rev_minor = doc[F("rev")][1]; // 0
//long vid = doc[F("vid")]; // 2010020
JsonObject id = doc[F("id")];
getStringFromJson(cmDNS, id[F("mdns")], 33);
getStringFromJson(serverDescription, id[F("name")], 33);
getStringFromJson(alexaInvocationName, id[F("inv")], 33);
JsonObject nw_ins_0 = doc["nw"][F("ins")][0];
getStringFromJson(clientSSID, nw_ins_0[F("ssid")], 33);
//int nw_ins_0_pskl = nw_ins_0[F("pskl")];
//The WiFi PSK is normally not contained in the regular file for security reasons.
//If it is present however, we will use it
getStringFromJson(clientPass, nw_ins_0["psk"], 65);
JsonArray nw_ins_0_ip = nw_ins_0[F("ip")];
JsonArray nw_ins_0_gw = nw_ins_0[F("gw")];
JsonArray nw_ins_0_sn = nw_ins_0[F("sn")];
for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
CJSON(staticIP[i], nw_ins_0_ip[i]);
CJSON(staticGateway[i], nw_ins_0_gw[i]);
CJSON(staticSubnet[i], nw_ins_0_sn[i]);
JsonObject ap = doc[F("ap")];
getStringFromJson(apSSID, ap[F("ssid")], 33);
getStringFromJson(apPass, ap["psk"] , 65); //normally not present due to security
//int ap_pskl = ap[F("pskl")];
CJSON(apChannel, ap[F("chan")]);
if (apChannel > 13 || apChannel < 1) apChannel = 1;
CJSON(apHide, ap[F("hide")]);
if (apHide > 1) apHide = 1;
CJSON(apBehavior, ap[F("behav")]);
JsonArray ap_ip = ap[F("ip")];
for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
apIP[i] = ap_ip;
noWifiSleep = doc[F("wifi")][F("sleep")] | !noWifiSleep; // inverted
noWifiSleep = !noWifiSleep;
//int wifi_phy = doc[F("wifi")][F("phy")]; //force phy mode n?
JsonObject hw = doc[F("hw")];
JsonObject hw_led = hw[F("led")];
CJSON(ledCount, hw_led[F("total")]);
if (ledCount > MAX_LEDS) ledCount = MAX_LEDS;
CJSON(strip.ablMilliampsMax, hw_led[F("maxpwr")]);
CJSON(strip.milliampsPerLed, hw_led[F("ledma")]);
CJSON(strip.reverseMode, hw_led[F("rev")]);
CJSON(strip.rgbwMode, hw_led[F("rgbwm")]);
JsonObject hw_led_ins_0 = hw_led[F("ins")][0];
//bool hw_led_ins_0_en = hw_led_ins_0[F("en")]; // true
//int hw_led_ins_0_start = hw_led_ins_0[F("start")]; // 0
//int hw_led_ins_0_len = hw_led_ins_0[F("len")]; // 1200
//int hw_led_ins_0_pin_0 = hw_led_ins_0[F("pin")][0]; // 2
//bool hw_led_ins_0_rev = hw_led_ins_0[F("rev")]; // false
skipFirstLed = hw_led_ins_0[F("skip")]; // 0
useRGBW = (hw_led_ins_0[F("type")] == TYPE_SK6812_RGBW);
JsonObject hw_btn_ins_0 = hw[F("btn")][F("ins")][0];
buttonEnabled = hw_btn_ins_0[F("en")] | buttonEnabled;
//int hw_btn_ins_0_pin_0 = hw_btn_ins_0[F("pin")][0]; // 0
JsonArray hw_btn_ins_0_macros = hw_btn_ins_0[F("macros")];
CJSON(macroButton, hw_btn_ins_0_macros[0]);
CJSON(macroDoublePress, hw_btn_ins_0_macros[2]);
//int hw_btn_ins_0_type = hw_btn_ins_0[F("type")]; // 0
//int hw_ir_pin = hw[F("ir")][F("pin")]; // 4
CJSON(irEnabled, hw[F("ir")][F("type")]); // 0
//int hw_relay_pin = hw[F("relay")][F("pin")]; // 12
//bool hw_relay_rev = hw[F("relay")][F("rev")]; // false
//int hw_status_pin = hw[F("status")][F("pin")]; // -1
JsonObject light = doc[F("light")];
CJSON(briMultiplier, light[F("scale-bri")]);
CJSON(strip.paletteBlend, light[F("pal-mode")]);
float light_gc_bri = light[F("gc")]["bri"];
float light_gc_col = light[F("gc")][F("col")]; // 2.8
if (light_gc_bri > 1.5) strip.gammaCorrectBri = true;
else if (light_gc_bri > 0.5) strip.gammaCorrectBri = false;
if (light_gc_col > 1.5) strip.gammaCorrectCol = true;
else if (light_gc_col > 0.5) strip.gammaCorrectCol = false;
JsonObject light_tr = light[F("tr")];
CJSON(fadeTransition, light_tr[F("mode")]);
int tdd = light_tr[F("dur")] | -1;
if (tdd >= 0) transitionDelayDefault = tdd * 100;
CJSON(strip.paletteFade, light_tr[F("pal")]);
JsonObject light_nl = light["nl"];
CJSON(nightlightMode, light_nl[F("mode")]);
CJSON(nightlightDelayMinsDefault, light_nl[F("dur")]);
nightlightDelayMins = nightlightDelayMinsDefault;
CJSON(nightlightTargetBri, light_nl[F("tbri")]);
CJSON(macroNl, light_nl[F("macro")]);
JsonObject def = doc[F("def")];
CJSON(bootPreset, def[F("ps")]);
CJSON(turnOnAtBoot, def["on"]); // true
CJSON(briS, def["bri"]); // 128
JsonObject def_cy = def[F("cy")];
CJSON(presetCyclingEnabled, def_cy["on"]);
CJSON(presetCycleMin, def_cy[F("range")][0]);
CJSON(presetCycleMax, def_cy[F("range")][1]);
tdd = def_cy[F("dur")] | -1;
if (tdd > 0) presetCycleTime = tdd;
JsonObject interfaces = doc["if"];
JsonObject if_sync = interfaces[F("sync")];
CJSON(udpPort, if_sync[F("port0")]); // 21324
CJSON(udpPort2, if_sync[F("port1")]); // 65506
JsonObject if_sync_recv = if_sync[F("recv")];
CJSON(receiveNotificationBrightness, if_sync_recv["bri"]);
CJSON(receiveNotificationColor, if_sync_recv[F("col")]);
CJSON(receiveNotificationEffects, if_sync_recv[F("fx")]);
receiveNotifications = (receiveNotificationBrightness || receiveNotificationColor || receiveNotificationEffects);
JsonObject if_sync_send = if_sync[F("send")];
CJSON(notifyDirectDefault, if_sync_send[F("dir")]);
notifyDirect = notifyDirectDefault;
CJSON(notifyButton, if_sync_send[F("btn")]);
CJSON(notifyAlexa, if_sync_send[F("va")]);
CJSON(notifyHue, if_sync_send[F("hue")]);
CJSON(notifyMacro, if_sync_send[F("macro")]);
CJSON(notifyTwice, if_sync_send[F("twice")]);
JsonObject if_live = interfaces[F("live")];
CJSON(receiveDirect, if_live[F("en")]);
CJSON(e131Port, if_live[F("port")]); // 5568
CJSON(e131Multicast, if_live[F("mc")]);
JsonObject if_live_dmx = if_live[F("dmx")];
CJSON(e131Universe, if_live_dmx[F("uni")]);
CJSON(e131SkipOutOfSequence, if_live_dmx[F("seqskip")]);
CJSON(DMXAddress, if_live_dmx[F("addr")]);
CJSON(DMXMode, if_live_dmx[F("mode")]);
tdd = if_live[F("timeout")] | -1;
if (tdd >= 0) realtimeTimeoutMs = tdd * 100;
CJSON(arlsForceMaxBri, if_live[F("maxbri")]);
CJSON(arlsDisableGammaCorrection, if_live[F("no-gc")]); // false
CJSON(arlsOffset, if_live[F("offset")]); // 0
CJSON(alexaEnabled, interfaces[F("va")][F("alexa")]); // false
CJSON(macroAlexaOn, interfaces[F("va")][F("macros")][0]);
CJSON(macroAlexaOff, interfaces[F("va")][F("macros")][1]);
const char* apikey = interfaces[F("blynk")][F("token")] | "Hidden";
tdd = strnlen(apikey, 36);
if (tdd > 20 || tdd == 0)
getStringFromJson(blynkApiKey, apikey, 36); //normally not present due to security
JsonObject if_blynk = interfaces[F("blynk")];
getStringFromJson(blynkHost, if_blynk[F("host")], 33);
CJSON(blynkPort, if_blynk[F("port")]);
JsonObject if_mqtt = interfaces[F("mqtt")];
CJSON(mqttEnabled, if_mqtt[F("en")]);
getStringFromJson(mqttServer, if_mqtt[F("broker")], 33);
CJSON(mqttPort, if_mqtt[F("port")]); // 1883
getStringFromJson(mqttUser, if_mqtt[F("user")], 41);
getStringFromJson(mqttPass, if_mqtt["psk"], 41); //normally not present due to security
getStringFromJson(mqttClientID, if_mqtt[F("cid")], 41);
getStringFromJson(mqttDeviceTopic, if_mqtt[F("topics")][F("device")], 33); // "wled/test"
getStringFromJson(mqttGroupTopic, if_mqtt[F("topics")][F("group")], 33); // ""
JsonObject if_hue = interfaces[F("hue")];
CJSON(huePollingEnabled, if_hue[F("en")]);
CJSON(huePollLightId, if_hue[F("id")]);
tdd = if_hue[F("iv")] | -1;
if (tdd >= 2) huePollIntervalMs = tdd * 100;
JsonObject if_hue_recv = if_hue[F("recv")];
CJSON(hueApplyOnOff, if_hue_recv["on"]);
CJSON(hueApplyBri, if_hue_recv["bri"]);
CJSON(hueApplyColor, if_hue_recv[F("col")]);
JsonArray if_hue_ip = if_hue[F("ip")];
for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
CJSON(hueIP[i], if_hue_ip[i]);
JsonObject if_ntp = interfaces[F("ntp")];
CJSON(ntpEnabled, if_ntp[F("en")]);
getStringFromJson(ntpServerName, if_ntp[F("host")], 33); // "1.wled.pool.ntp.org"
CJSON(currentTimezone, if_ntp[F("tz")]);
CJSON(utcOffsetSecs, if_ntp[F("offset")]);
CJSON(useAMPM, if_ntp[F("ampm")]);
JsonObject ol = doc[F("ol")];
CJSON(overlayDefault ,ol[F("clock")]); // 0
CJSON(countdownMode, ol[F("cntdwn")]);
overlayCurrent = overlayDefault;
CJSON(overlayMin, ol[F("min")]);
CJSON(overlayMax, ol[F("max")]);
CJSON(analogClock12pixel, ol[F("o12pix")]);
CJSON(analogClock5MinuteMarks, ol[F("o5m")]);
CJSON(analogClockSecondsTrail, ol[F("osec")]);
//timed macro rules
JsonObject tm = doc[F("timers")];
JsonObject cntdwn = tm[F("cntdwn")];
JsonArray cntdwn_goal = cntdwn[F("goal")];
CJSON(countdownYear, cntdwn_goal[0]);
CJSON(countdownMonth, cntdwn_goal[1]);
CJSON(countdownDay, cntdwn_goal[2]);
CJSON(countdownHour, cntdwn_goal[3]);
CJSON(countdownMin, cntdwn_goal[4]);
CJSON(countdownSec, cntdwn_goal[5]);
CJSON(macroCountdown, cntdwn[F("macro")]);
JsonArray timers = tm[F("ins")];
uint8_t it = 0;
for (JsonObject timer : timers) {
if (it > 7) break;
CJSON(timerHours[it], timer[F("hour")]);
CJSON(timerMinutes[it], timer[F("min")]);
CJSON(timerMacro[it], timer[F("macro")]);
byte dowPrev = timerWeekday[it];
//note: act is currently only 0 or 1.
//the reason we are not using bool is that the on-disk type in 0.11.0 was already int
int actPrev = timerWeekday[it] & 0x01;
CJSON(timerWeekday[it], timer[F("dow")]);
if (timerWeekday[it] != dowPrev) { //present in JSON
timerWeekday[it] <<= 1; //add active bit
int act = timer[F("en")] | actPrev;
if (act) timerWeekday[it]++;
JsonObject ota = doc["ota"];
const char* pwd = ota["psk"]; //normally not present due to security
bool pwdCorrect = !otaLock; //always allow access if ota not locked
if (pwd != nullptr && strncmp(otaPass, pwd, 33) == 0) pwdCorrect = true;
if (pwdCorrect) { //only accept these values from cfg.json if ota is unlocked (else from wsec.json)
CJSON(otaLock, ota[F("lock")]);
CJSON(wifiLock, ota[F("lock-wifi")]);
CJSON(aOtaEnabled, ota[F("aota")]);
getStringFromJson(otaPass, pwd, 33); //normally not present due to security
JsonObject dmx = doc["dmx"];
CJSON(DMXChannels, dmx[F("chan")]);
CJSON(DMXStart, dmx[F("start")]);
JsonArray dmx_fixmap = dmx[F("fixmap")];
it = 0;
for (int i : dmx_fixmap) {
if (it > 14) break;
JsonObject usermods_settings = doc["um"];
void serializeConfig() {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Writing settings to /cfg.json..."));
DynamicJsonDocument doc(JSON_BUFFER_SIZE);
//{ //scope this to reduce stack size
JsonArray rev = doc.createNestedArray("rev");
rev.add(1); //major settings revision
rev.add(0); //minor settings revision
doc[F("vid")] = VERSION;
JsonObject id = doc.createNestedObject("id");
id[F("mdns")] = cmDNS;
id[F("name")] = serverDescription;
id[F("inv")] = alexaInvocationName;
JsonObject nw = doc.createNestedObject("nw");
JsonArray nw_ins = nw.createNestedArray("ins");
JsonObject nw_ins_0 = nw_ins.createNestedObject();
nw_ins_0[F("ssid")] = clientSSID;
nw_ins_0[F("pskl")] = strlen(clientPass);
JsonArray nw_ins_0_ip = nw_ins_0.createNestedArray("ip");
JsonArray nw_ins_0_gw = nw_ins_0.createNestedArray("gw");
JsonArray nw_ins_0_sn = nw_ins_0.createNestedArray("sn");
for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
JsonObject ap = doc.createNestedObject("ap");
ap[F("ssid")] = apSSID;
ap[F("pskl")] = strlen(apPass);
ap[F("chan")] = apChannel;
ap[F("hide")] = apHide;
ap[F("behav")] = apBehavior;
JsonArray ap_ip = ap.createNestedArray("ip");
JsonObject wifi = doc.createNestedObject("wifi");
wifi[F("sleep")] = !noWifiSleep;
wifi[F("phy")] = 1;
JsonObject hw = doc.createNestedObject("hw");
JsonObject hw_led = hw.createNestedObject("led");
hw_led[F("total")] = ledCount;
hw_led[F("maxpwr")] = strip.ablMilliampsMax;
hw_led[F("ledma")] = strip.milliampsPerLed;
hw_led[F("rev")] = strip.reverseMode;
hw_led[F("rgbwm")] = strip.rgbwMode;
JsonArray hw_led_ins = hw_led.createNestedArray("ins");
JsonObject hw_led_ins_0 = hw_led_ins.createNestedObject();
hw_led_ins_0[F("en")] = true;
hw_led_ins_0[F("start")] = 0;
hw_led_ins_0[F("len")] = ledCount;
JsonArray hw_led_ins_0_pin = hw_led_ins_0.createNestedArray("pin");
#ifdef DATAPIN
hw_led_ins_0[F("order")] = strip.getColorOrder();
hw_led_ins_0[F("rev")] = false;
hw_led_ins_0[F("skip")] = skipFirstLed ? 1 : 0;
//this is very crude and temporary
byte ledType = TYPE_WS2812_RGB;
if (useRGBW) ledType = TYPE_SK6812_RGBW;
#ifdef USE_WS2801
ledType = TYPE_WS2801;
#ifdef USE_APA102
ledType = TYPE_APA102;
#ifdef USE_LPD8806
ledType = TYPE_LPD8806;
#ifdef USE_P9813
ledType = TYPE_P9813;
#ifdef USE_TM1814
ledType = TYPE_TM1814;
hw_led_ins_0[F("type")] = ledType;
JsonObject hw_btn = hw.createNestedObject("btn");
JsonArray hw_btn_ins = hw_btn.createNestedArray("ins");
#if defined(BTNPIN) && BTNPIN > -1
JsonObject hw_btn_ins_0 = hw_btn_ins.createNestedObject();
hw_btn_ins_0[F("type")] = (buttonEnabled) ? BTN_TYPE_PUSH : BTN_TYPE_NONE;
JsonArray hw_btn_ins_0_pin = hw_btn_ins_0.createNestedArray("pin");
JsonArray hw_btn_ins_0_macros = hw_btn_ins_0.createNestedArray("macros");
#if defined(IRPIN) && IRPIN > -1
JsonObject hw_ir = hw.createNestedObject("ir");
hw_ir[F("pin")] = IRPIN;
hw_ir[F("type")] = irEnabled; // the byte 'irEnabled' does contain the IR-Remote Type ( 0=disabled )
#if defined(RLYPIN) && RLYPIN > -1
JsonObject hw_relay = hw.createNestedObject("relay");
hw_relay[F("pin")] = RLYPIN;
hw_relay[F("rev")] = (RLYMDE) ? false : true;
JsonObject hw_status = hw.createNestedObject("status");
hw_status[F("pin")] = -1;
JsonObject light = doc.createNestedObject("light");
light[F("scale-bri")] = briMultiplier;
light[F("pal-mode")] = strip.paletteBlend;
JsonObject light_gc = light.createNestedObject("gc");
light_gc["bri"] = (strip.gammaCorrectBri) ? 2.8 : 1.0;
light_gc[F("col")] = (strip.gammaCorrectCol) ? 2.8 : 1.0;
JsonObject light_tr = light.createNestedObject("tr");
light_tr[F("mode")] = fadeTransition;
light_tr[F("dur")] = transitionDelayDefault / 100;
light_tr[F("pal")] = strip.paletteFade;
JsonObject light_nl = light.createNestedObject("nl");
light_nl[F("mode")] = nightlightMode;
light_nl[F("dur")] = nightlightDelayMinsDefault;
light_nl[F("tbri")] = nightlightTargetBri;
light_nl[F("macro")] = macroNl;
JsonObject def = doc.createNestedObject("def");
def[F("ps")] = bootPreset;
def["on"] = turnOnAtBoot;
def["bri"] = briS;
//to be removed once preset cycles are presets
if (saveCurrPresetCycConf) {
JsonObject def_cy = def.createNestedObject("cy");
def_cy["on"] = presetCyclingEnabled;
JsonArray def_cy_range = def_cy.createNestedArray("range");
def_cy[F("dur")] = presetCycleTime;
JsonObject interfaces = doc.createNestedObject("if");
JsonObject if_sync = interfaces.createNestedObject("sync");
if_sync[F("port0")] = udpPort;
if_sync[F("port1")] = udpPort2;
JsonObject if_sync_recv = if_sync.createNestedObject("recv");
if_sync_recv["bri"] = receiveNotificationBrightness;
if_sync_recv[F("col")] = receiveNotificationColor;
if_sync_recv[F("fx")] = receiveNotificationEffects;
JsonObject if_sync_send = if_sync.createNestedObject("send");
if_sync_send[F("dir")] = notifyDirect;
if_sync_send[F("btn")] = notifyButton;
if_sync_send[F("va")] = notifyAlexa;
if_sync_send[F("hue")] = notifyHue;
if_sync_send[F("macro")] = notifyMacro;
if_sync_send[F("twice")] = notifyTwice;
JsonObject if_live = interfaces.createNestedObject("live");
if_live[F("en")] = receiveDirect;
if_live[F("port")] = e131Port;
if_live[F("mc")] = e131Multicast;
JsonObject if_live_dmx = if_live.createNestedObject("dmx");
if_live_dmx[F("uni")] = e131Universe;
if_live_dmx[F("seqskip")] = e131SkipOutOfSequence;
if_live_dmx[F("addr")] = DMXAddress;
if_live_dmx[F("mode")] = DMXMode;
if_live[F("timeout")] = realtimeTimeoutMs / 100;
if_live[F("maxbri")] = arlsForceMaxBri;
if_live[F("no-gc")] = arlsDisableGammaCorrection;
if_live[F("offset")] = arlsOffset;
JsonObject if_va = interfaces.createNestedObject("va");
if_va[F("alexa")] = alexaEnabled;
JsonArray if_va_macros = if_va.createNestedArray("macros");
JsonObject if_blynk = interfaces.createNestedObject("blynk");
if_blynk[F("token")] = strlen(blynkApiKey) ? "Hidden":"";
if_blynk[F("host")] = blynkHost;
if_blynk[F("port")] = blynkPort;
JsonObject if_mqtt = interfaces.createNestedObject("mqtt");
if_mqtt[F("en")] = mqttEnabled;
if_mqtt[F("broker")] = mqttServer;
if_mqtt[F("port")] = mqttPort;
if_mqtt[F("user")] = mqttUser;
if_mqtt[F("pskl")] = strlen(mqttPass);
if_mqtt[F("cid")] = mqttClientID;
JsonObject if_mqtt_topics = if_mqtt.createNestedObject("topics");
if_mqtt_topics[F("device")] = mqttDeviceTopic;
if_mqtt_topics[F("group")] = mqttGroupTopic;
JsonObject if_hue = interfaces.createNestedObject("hue");
if_hue[F("en")] = huePollingEnabled;
if_hue[F("id")] = huePollLightId;
if_hue[F("iv")] = huePollIntervalMs / 100;
JsonObject if_hue_recv = if_hue.createNestedObject("recv");
if_hue_recv["on"] = hueApplyOnOff;
if_hue_recv["bri"] = hueApplyBri;
if_hue_recv[F("col")] = hueApplyColor;
JsonArray if_hue_ip = if_hue.createNestedArray("ip");
for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
JsonObject if_ntp = interfaces.createNestedObject("ntp");
if_ntp[F("en")] = ntpEnabled;
if_ntp[F("host")] = ntpServerName;
if_ntp[F("tz")] = currentTimezone;
if_ntp[F("offset")] = utcOffsetSecs;
if_ntp[F("ampm")] = useAMPM;
JsonObject ol = doc.createNestedObject("ol");
ol[F("clock")] = overlayDefault;
ol[F("cntdwn")] = countdownMode;
ol[F("min")] = overlayMin;
ol[F("max")] = overlayMax;
ol[F("o12pix")] = analogClock12pixel;
ol[F("o5m")] = analogClock5MinuteMarks;
ol[F("osec")] = analogClockSecondsTrail;
JsonObject timers = doc.createNestedObject("timers");
JsonObject cntdwn = timers.createNestedObject("cntdwn");
JsonArray goal = cntdwn.createNestedArray("goal");
goal.add(countdownYear); goal.add(countdownMonth); goal.add(countdownDay);
goal.add(countdownHour); goal.add(countdownMin); goal.add(countdownSec);
cntdwn[F("macro")] = macroCountdown;
JsonArray timers_ins = timers.createNestedArray("ins");
for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (timerMacro[i] == 0 && timerHours[i] == 0 && timerMinutes[i] == 0) continue;
JsonObject timers_ins0 = timers_ins.createNestedObject();
timers_ins0[F("en")] = (timerWeekday[i] & 0x01);
timers_ins0[F("hour")] = timerHours[i];
timers_ins0[F("min")] = timerMinutes[i];
timers_ins0[F("macro")] = timerMacro[i];
timers_ins0[F("dow")] = timerWeekday[i] >> 1;
JsonObject ota = doc.createNestedObject("ota");
ota[F("lock")] = otaLock;
ota[F("lock-wifi")] = wifiLock;
ota[F("pskl")] = strlen(otaPass);
ota[F("aota")] = aOtaEnabled;
JsonObject dmx = doc.createNestedObject("dmx");
dmx[F("chan")] = DMXChannels;
dmx[F("gap")] = DMXGap;
dmx[F("start")] = DMXStart;
dmx[F("start-led")] = DMXStartLED;
JsonArray dmx_fixmap = dmx.createNestedArray("fixmap");
for (byte i = 0; i < 15; i++)
JsonObject usermods_settings = doc.createNestedObject("um");
File f = WLED_FS.open("/cfg.json", "w");
if (f) serializeJson(doc, f);
//settings in /wsec.json, not accessible via webserver, for passwords and tokens
bool deserializeConfigSec() {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Reading settings from /wsec.json..."));
DynamicJsonDocument doc(JSON_BUFFER_SIZE);
bool success = readObjectFromFile("/wsec.json", nullptr, &doc);
if (!success) return false;
JsonObject nw_ins_0 = doc["nw"][F("ins")][0];
getStringFromJson(clientPass, nw_ins_0["psk"], 65);
JsonObject ap = doc[F("ap")];
getStringFromJson(apPass, ap["psk"] , 65);
JsonObject interfaces = doc["if"];
const char* apikey = interfaces["blynk"][F("token")] | "Hidden";
int tdd = strnlen(apikey, 36);
if (tdd > 20 || tdd == 0)
getStringFromJson(blynkApiKey, apikey, 36);
JsonObject if_mqtt = interfaces[F("mqtt")];
getStringFromJson(mqttPass, if_mqtt["psk"], 41);
getStringFromJson(hueApiKey, interfaces[F("hue")][F("key")], 47);
JsonObject ota = doc["ota"];
getStringFromJson(otaPass, ota[F("pwd")], 33);
CJSON(otaLock, ota[F("lock")]);
CJSON(wifiLock, ota[F("lock-wifi")]);
CJSON(aOtaEnabled, ota[F("aota")]);
return true;
void serializeConfigSec() {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("Writing settings to /wsec.json..."));
DynamicJsonDocument doc(JSON_BUFFER_SIZE);
JsonObject nw = doc.createNestedObject("nw");
JsonArray nw_ins = nw.createNestedArray("ins");
JsonObject nw_ins_0 = nw_ins.createNestedObject();
nw_ins_0["psk"] = clientPass;
JsonObject ap = doc.createNestedObject("ap");
ap["psk"] = apPass;
JsonObject interfaces = doc.createNestedObject("if");
JsonObject if_blynk = interfaces.createNestedObject("blynk");
if_blynk[F("token")] = blynkApiKey;
JsonObject if_mqtt = interfaces.createNestedObject("mqtt");
if_mqtt["psk"] = mqttPass;
JsonObject if_hue = interfaces.createNestedObject("hue");
if_hue[F("key")] = hueApiKey;
JsonObject ota = doc.createNestedObject("ota");
ota[F("pwd")] = otaPass;
ota[F("lock")] = otaLock;
ota[F("lock-wifi")] = wifiLock;
ota[F("aota")] = aOtaEnabled;
File f = WLED_FS.open("/wsec.json", "w");
if (f) serializeJson(doc, f);