cschwinne affb99507e Release of WLED 0.3
version bump
minor tweaks
compressed HTMLs
changed SN behavior to control direct notifications
removed nightlight notification due to severe uselessness
removed unnecessary bool2int function
Updated binary
2017-05-08 21:46:04 +02:00

102 lines
2.7 KiB

* UDP notifier
void notify(uint8_t callMode)
if (!udpConnected) return;
switch (callMode)
case 1: if (!notifyDirect) return; break;
case 2: if (!notifyButton) return; break;
case 3: return;
case 4: if (!notifyDirect) return; break;
case 6: if (!notifyDirect) return; break; //fx change
default: return;
byte udpOut[16];
udpOut[0] = 0; //0: wled notifier protocol 1: WARLS protocol
udpOut[1] = callMode;
udpOut[2] = bri;
udpOut[3] = col[0];
udpOut[4] = col[1];
udpOut[5] = col[2];
udpOut[6] = nightlightActive;
udpOut[7] = nightlightDelayMins;
udpOut[8] = effectCurrent;
udpOut[9] = effectSpeed;
IPAddress broadcastIp;
broadcastIp = ~WiFi.subnetMask() | WiFi.gatewayIP();
notifierUdp.beginPacket(broadcastIp, udpPort);
notifierUdp.write(udpOut, 16);
void handleNotifications()
if(udpConnected && receiveNotifications){
int packetSize = notifierUdp.parsePacket();
if(packetSize && notifierUdp.remoteIP() != WiFi.localIP())
notifierUdp.read(udpIn, packetSize);
if (udpIn[0] == 0) //wled notifier
col[0] = udpIn[3];
col[1] = udpIn[4];
col[2] = udpIn[5];
if (udpIn[8] != effectCurrent)
effectCurrent = udpIn[8];
if (udpIn[9] != effectSpeed)
effectSpeed = udpIn[9];
nightlightActive = udpIn[6];
if (!udpIn[6])
bri = udpIn[2];
} else if (udpIn[0] == 1 && realtimeEnabled) //warls
if (packetSize > 1) {
if (udpIn[1] == 0)
arlsTimeout = false;
} else {
if (!arlsTimeout){
strip.setRange(0, ledcount-1, 0);
arlsTimeout = true;
arlsTimeoutTime = millis() + 1000*udpIn[1];
for (int i = 2; i < packetSize -3; i += 4)
if (udpIn[i] + arlsOffset < ledcount && udpIn[i] + arlsOffset >= 0)
if (useGammaCorrectionRGB)
strip.setIndividual(udpIn[i] + arlsOffset, ((uint32_t)gamma8[udpIn[i+1]] << 16) | ((uint32_t)gamma8[udpIn[i+2]] << 8) | gamma8[udpIn[i+3]]);
} else {
strip.setIndividual(udpIn[i], ((uint32_t)udpIn[i+1] << 16) | ((uint32_t)udpIn[i+2] << 8) | udpIn[i+3]);
if (arlsTimeout && millis() > arlsTimeoutTime)
arlsTimeout = false;