Added option to send UDP notifications twice to increase reliability Added a C64 color theme Added clock options Added 12 timezones Merged Cronixie and useoverlay build options Removed abbrev char[] from Timezone lib to save memory Added setting to reverse/flip LEDs Added long press random color button function
256 lines
8.5 KiB
256 lines
8.5 KiB
* Sending XML status files to client
void XML_response()
String resp;
resp = resp + "<?xml version = \"1.0\" ?>";
resp = resp + "<vs>";
resp = resp + "<act>";
if (nightlightActive && nightlightFade)
resp = resp + bri_t;
} else
resp = resp + bri;
resp = resp + "</act>";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
resp = resp + "<cl>";
resp = resp + col[i];
resp = resp + "</cl>";
resp = resp + "<ns>";
resp = resp + notifyDirect;
resp = resp + "</ns><nr>";
resp = resp + receiveNotifications;
resp = resp + "</nr><nl>";
resp = resp + nightlightActive;
resp = resp + "</nl><nf>";
resp = resp + nightlightFade;
resp = resp + "</nf><nd>";
resp = resp + nightlightDelayMins;
resp = resp + "</nd><nt>";
resp = resp + nightlightTargetBri;
resp = resp + "</nt><fx>";
resp = resp + effectCurrent;
resp = resp + "</fx><sx>";
resp = resp + effectSpeed;
resp = resp + "</sx><ix>";
resp = resp + effectIntensity;
resp = resp + "</ix><wv>";
if (useRGBW) {
resp = resp + white;
} else {
resp = resp + "-1";
resp = resp + "</wv><md>";
resp = resp + useHSB;
resp = resp + "</md><desc>";
resp = resp + serverDescription;
resp = resp + "</desc>";
resp = resp + "</vs>";
server.send(200, "text/xml", resp);
String getSettings(uint8_t subPage)
//0: menu 1: wifi 2: leds 3: ui 4: sync 5: time 6: sec
DEBUG_PRINT("settings resp");
String resp = "";
if (subPage <1 || subPage >6) return resp;
String ds = "d.Sf.";
String dg = "d.getElementsByClassName";
String v = ".value=";
String c = ".checked=";
String ih = ".innerHTML=";
String si = ".selectedIndex=";
if (subPage == 1) {
resp += ds + "CSSID" + v + "\"" + clientssid + "\";";
resp += ds + "CPASS" + v + "\"";
for (int i = 0; i < clientpass.length(); i++)
resp += "*";
resp += "\";";
resp += ds + "CSIP0" + v + staticip[0] +";";
resp += ds + "CSIP1" + v + staticip[1] +";";
resp += ds + "CSIP2" + v + staticip[2] +";";
resp += ds + "CSIP3" + v + staticip[3] +";";
resp += ds + "CSGW0" + v + staticgateway[0] +";";
resp += ds + "CSGW1" + v + staticgateway[1] +";";
resp += ds + "CSGW2" + v + staticgateway[2] +";";
resp += ds + "CSGW3" + v + staticgateway[3] +";";
resp += ds + "CSSN0" + v + staticsubnet[0] +";";
resp += ds + "CSSN1" + v + staticsubnet[1] +";";
resp += ds + "CSSN2" + v + staticsubnet[2] +";";
resp += ds + "CSSN3" + v + staticsubnet[3] +";";
resp += ds + "CMDNS" + v + "\"" + cmdns + "\";";
resp += ds + "APWTM" + v + apWaitTimeSecs +";";
resp += ds + "APSSID" + v + "\"" + apssid + "\";";
resp += ds + "APHSSID" + c + aphide + ";";
resp += ds + "APPASS" + v + "\"";
for (int i = 0; i < clientpass.length(); i++)
resp += "*";
resp += "\";";
resp += ds + "APCHAN" + v + apchannel +";";
resp += dg + "(\"sip\")[0]" + ih + "\"";
if (!WiFi.localIP()[0] == 0)
resp += WiFi.localIP()[0];
resp += + ".";
resp += WiFi.localIP()[1];
resp += ".";
resp += WiFi.localIP()[2];
resp += ".";
resp += WiFi.localIP()[3];
} else
resp += "Not connected";
resp += "\";";
resp += dg + "(\"sip\")[1]" + ih + "\"";
if (!WiFi.softAPIP()[0] == 0)
resp += WiFi.softAPIP()[0];
resp += + ".";
resp += WiFi.softAPIP()[1];
resp += ".";
resp += WiFi.softAPIP()[2];
resp += ".";
resp += WiFi.softAPIP()[3];
} else
resp += "Not active";
resp += "\";";
if (subPage == 2) {
resp += ds + "LEDCN" + v + ledcount +";";
resp += ds + "CLDFR" + v + col_s[0] +";";
resp += ds + "CLDFG" + v + col_s[1] +";";
resp += ds + "CLDFB" + v + col_s[2] +";";
resp += ds + "CLDFA" + v + bri_s +";";
if (useRGBW) {
resp += ds + "CLDFW" + v + white_s +";";
} else {
resp += ds + "CLDFW" + v + "-1;";
resp += ds + "CSECR" + v + col_sec_s[0] +";";
resp += ds + "CSECG" + v + col_sec_s[1] +";";
resp += ds + "CSECB" + v + col_sec_s[2] +";";
resp += ds + "CSECW" + v + white_sec_s +";";
resp += ds + "BOOTN" + c + turnOnAtBoot +";";
resp += ds + "BOOTP" + v + bootPreset +";";
resp += ds + "FXDEF" + v + effectDefault +";";
resp += ds + "SXDEF" + v + effectSpeedDefault +";";
resp += ds + "IXDEF" + v + effectIntensityDefault +";";
resp += ds + "GCBRI" + c + useGammaCorrectionBri +";";
resp += ds + "GCRGB" + c + useGammaCorrectionRGB +";";
resp += ds + "TFADE" + c + fadeTransition +";";
resp += ds + "TSWEE" + c + sweepTransition +";";
resp += ds + "TSDIR" + c + !sweepDirection +";";
resp += ds + "TDLAY" + v + transitionDelay +";";
resp += ds + "NRBRI" + v + briMultiplier +";";
resp += ds + "TLBRI" + v + nightlightTargetBri +";";
resp += ds + "TLDUR" + v + nightlightDelayMins +";";
resp += ds + "TLFDE" + c + nightlightFade +";";
resp += ds + "LEDRV" + c + reverseMode +";";
resp += ds + "WOFFS" + v + arlsOffset +";";
if (subPage == 3)
resp += ds + "DESC" + v + "\"" + serverDescription + "\";";
resp += ds + "COLMD" + c + useHSBDefault + ";";
resp += ds + "THEME" + si + String(currentTheme) + ";";
for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
resp += ds + "CCOL" + i + v + "\"" + cssCol[i] + "\";";
resp += ds + "CFONT" + v + "\"" + cssFont + "\";";
if (subPage == 4)
resp += ds + "BTNON" + c + buttonEnabled +";";
resp += ds + "NUDPP" + v + udpPort +";";
resp += ds + "NRCBR" + c + receiveNotificationBrightness +";";
resp += ds + "NRCCL" + c + receiveNotificationColor +";";
resp += ds + "NRCFX" + c + receiveNotificationEffects +";";
resp += ds + "NSDIR" + c + notifyDirectDefault +";";
resp += ds + "NSBTN" + c + notifyButton +";";
resp += ds + "NSHUE" + c + notifyHue +";";
resp += ds + "NS2XS" + c + notifyTwice +";";
resp += ds + "ALEXA" + c + alexaEnabled +";";
resp += ds + "AINVN" + v + "\"" + alexaInvocationName + "\";";
resp += ds + "NSALX" + c + alexaNotify +";";
resp += ds + "HUIP0" + v + hueIP[0] +";";
resp += ds + "HUIP1" + v + hueIP[1] +";";
resp += ds + "HUIP2" + v + hueIP[2] +";";
resp += ds + "HUIP3" + v + hueIP[3] +";";
resp += ds + "HUELI" + v + huePollLightId +";";
resp += ds + "HUEPI" + v + huePollIntervalMs +";";
resp += ds + "HUEPL" + c + huePollingEnabled +";";
resp += ds + "HURIO" + c + hueApplyOnOff +";";
resp += ds + "HURBR" + c + hueApplyBri +";";
resp += ds + "HURCL" + c + hueApplyColor +";";
resp += dg + "(\"hms\")[0]" + ih + "\"" + hueError + "\";";
if (subPage == 5)
resp += ds + "NTPON" + c + ntpEnabled +";";
resp += ds + "CL24H" + c + !useAMPM +";";
resp += ds + "TZONE" + si + String(currentTimezone) + ";";
resp += ds + "UTCOS" + v + utcOffsetSecs +";";
resp += dg + "(\"times\")[0]" + ih + "\"" + getTimeString() + "\";";
resp += ds + "OLMDE" + si + String(currentOverlay) + ";";
resp += ds + "OLIN1" + v + overlayMin +";";
resp += ds + "OLIN2" + v + overlayMax +";";
resp += ds + "OLINM" + v + analogClock12pixel +";";
resp += ds + "OLSTR" + c + analogClockSecondsTrail +";";
resp += ds + "OL5MI" + c + analogClock5MinuteMarks +";";
resp += ds + "CRONX" + v + "\"" + cronixieDisplay + "\";";
resp += ds + "CROBL" + c + cronixieBacklight +";";
resp += ds + "CLCND" + c + overlayCountdown +";";
resp += ds + "CDGYR" + v + countdownYear +";";
resp += ds + "CDGMN" + v + countdownMonth +";";
resp += ds + "CDGDY" + v + countdownDay +";";
resp += ds + "CDGHR" + v + countdownHours +";";
resp += ds + "CDGMI" + v + countdownMin +";";
resp += ds + "CDGSC" + v + countdownSec +";";
for (int i=1;i<17;i++)
resp += ds + "MC" + String(i) + v + "\"" + loadMacro(i) + "\";";
resp += ds + "MCRBT" + v + macroBoot +";";
resp += ds + "MCA0I" + v + macroAlexaOn +";";
resp += ds + "MCA0O" + v + macroAlexaOff +";";
resp += ds + "MCB0D" + v + macroButton +";";
resp += ds + "MCB0L" + v + macroLongPress +";";
resp += ds + "MCNTD" + v + macroCountdown +";";
resp += ds + "MCLNO" + v + macroNightlight +";";
if (subPage == 6)
resp += ds + "NOOTA" + c + otaLock +";";
resp += ds + "OWIFI" + c + wifiLock +";";
resp += ds + "AROTA" + c + aOtaEnabled +";";
resp += ds + "NORAP" + c + recoveryAPDisabled +";";
resp += dg + "(\"msg\")[0]" + ih + "\"WLED "+ versionString +" (build " + VERSION + ") OK\";";
resp += "}</script>";
return resp;