Version bump to 0.4pre
232 lines
5.8 KiB
232 lines
5.8 KiB
* Sending XML status files to client
void XML_response()
String resp;
resp = resp + "<?xml version = \"1.0\" ?>";
resp = resp + "<vs>";
resp = resp + "<act>";
if (nightlightActive && nightlightFade)
resp = resp + bri_t;
} else
resp = resp + bri;
resp = resp + "</act>";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
resp = resp + "<cl>";
resp = resp + col[i];
resp = resp + "</cl>";
resp = resp + "<ns>";
resp = resp + notifyDirect;
resp = resp + "</ns><nr>";
resp = resp + receiveNotifications;
resp = resp + "</nr><nl>";
resp = resp + nightlightActive;
resp = resp + "</nl><fx>";
resp = resp + effectCurrent;
resp = resp + "</fx><sx>";
resp = resp + effectSpeed;
resp = resp + "</sx><wv>";
if (useRGBW) {
resp = resp + white;
} else {
resp = resp + "-1";
resp = resp + "</wv><md>";
resp = resp + useHSB;
resp = resp + "</md><desc>";
resp = resp + serverDescription;
resp = resp + "</desc>";
//enable toolbar here
resp = resp + "</vs>";
server.send(200, "text/xml", resp);
void XML_response_settings()
DEBUG_PRINTLN("XML settings response");
String resp;
resp = resp + "<?xml version = \"1.0\" ?>";
resp = resp + "<vs>";
resp = resp + "<cssid>";
resp = resp + clientssid;
resp = resp + "</cssid>";
resp = resp + "<cpass>";
for (int i = 0; i < clientpass.length(); i++)
resp = resp + "*";
resp = resp + "</cpass>";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
resp = resp + "<csips>";
resp = resp + staticip[i];
resp = resp + "</csips>";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
resp = resp + "<csgws>";
resp = resp + staticgateway[i];
resp = resp + "</csgws>";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
resp = resp + "<cssns>";
resp = resp + staticsubnet[i];
resp = resp + "</cssns>";
resp = resp + "<cmdns>";
resp = resp + cmdns;
resp = resp + "</cmdns>";
resp = resp + "<apssid>";
resp = resp + apssid;
resp = resp + "</apssid>";
resp = resp + "<aphssid>";
resp = resp + aphide;
resp = resp + "</aphssid>";
resp = resp + "<appass>";
for (int i = 0; i < appass.length(); i++)
resp = resp + "*";
resp = resp + "</appass>";
resp = resp + "<apchan>";
resp = resp + apchannel;
resp = resp + "</apchan>";
resp = resp + "<desc>";
resp = resp + serverDescription;
resp = resp + "</desc>";
resp = resp + "<colmd>";
resp = resp + useHSBDefault;
resp = resp + "</colmd>";
resp = resp + "<ledcn>";
resp = resp + ledcount;
resp = resp + "</ledcn>";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
resp = resp + "<cldef>";
resp = resp + col_s[i];
resp = resp + "</cldef>";
resp = resp + "<cldfw>";
if (useRGBW) {
resp = resp + white_s;
} else {
resp = resp + "-1";
resp = resp + "</cldfw><cldfa>";
resp = resp + bri_s;
resp = resp + "</cldfa>";
resp = resp + "<bootn>";
resp = resp + turnOnAtBoot;
resp = resp + "</bootn>";
resp = resp + "<fxdef>";
resp = resp + effectDefault;
resp = resp + "</fxdef>";
resp = resp + "<sxdef>";
resp = resp + effectSpeedDefault;
resp = resp + "</sxdef>";
resp = resp + "<gcbri>";
resp = resp + useGammaCorrectionBri;
resp = resp + "</gcbri><gcrgb>";
resp = resp + useGammaCorrectionRGB;
resp = resp + "</gcrgb>";
resp = resp + "<btnon>";
resp = resp + buttonEnabled;
resp = resp + "</btnon><tfade>";
resp = resp + fadeTransition;
resp = resp + "</tfade><tdlay>";
resp = resp + transitionDelay;
resp = resp + "</tdlay>";
resp = resp + "<tlbri>";
resp = resp + bri_nl;
resp = resp + "</tlbri>";
resp = resp + "<tldur>";
resp = resp + nightlightDelayMins;
resp = resp + "</tldur>";
resp = resp + "<tlfde>";
resp = resp + nightlightFade;
resp = resp + "</tlfde>";
resp = resp + "<nudpp>";
resp = resp + udpPort;
resp = resp + "</nudpp>";
resp = resp + "<nrcve>";
resp = resp + receiveNotificationsDefault;
resp = resp + "</nrcve><nrbri>";
resp = resp + bri_n;
resp = resp + "</nrbri><nsdir>";
resp = resp + notifyDirectDefault;
resp = resp + "</nsdir><nsbtn>";
resp = resp + notifyButton;
resp = resp + "</nsbtn><nsfwd>0</nsfwd>"; //legacy
resp = resp + "<ntpon>";
resp = resp + ntpEnabled;
resp = resp + "</ntpon>";
resp = resp + "<alexa>";
resp = resp + alexaEnabled;
resp = resp + "</alexa><ainvn>";
resp = resp + alexaInvocationName;
resp = resp + "</ainvn><nsalx>";
resp = resp + alexaNotify;
resp = resp + "</nsalx>";
resp = resp + "<times>";
resp = resp + getTimeString();
resp = resp + "</times>";
resp = resp + "<oldef>";
resp = resp + overlayDefault;
resp = resp + "</oldef>";
resp = resp + "<woffs>";
resp = resp + abs(arlsOffset);
resp = resp + "</woffs>";
resp = resp + "<woffn>";
resp = resp + !arlsSign;
resp = resp + "</woffn>";
resp = resp + "<noota>";
resp = resp + ota_lock;
resp = resp +"</noota>";
resp = resp + "<norap>0</norap>"; //NI
resp = resp + "<sip>";
if (!WiFi.localIP()[0] == 0)
resp = resp + WiFi.localIP()[0];
resp = resp + ".";
resp = resp + WiFi.localIP()[1];
resp = resp + ".";
resp = resp + WiFi.localIP()[2];
resp = resp + ".";
resp = resp + WiFi.localIP()[3];
} else
resp = resp + "Not connected";
resp = resp + "</sip><sip>";
if (!WiFi.softAPIP()[0] == 0)
resp = resp + WiFi.softAPIP()[0];
resp = resp + ".";
resp = resp + WiFi.softAPIP()[1];
resp = resp + ".";
resp = resp + WiFi.softAPIP()[2];
resp = resp + ".";
resp = resp + WiFi.softAPIP()[3];
} else
resp = resp + "Not active";
resp = resp + "</sip>";
resp = resp + "<msg>WLED 0.4p (build ";
resp = resp + VERSION;
resp = resp + ") OK</msg>";
resp = resp + "</vs>";
server.send(200, "text/xml", resp);