cschwinne f878c89069 Added RGBW support
ifdef-Option may be removed next commit since RGB strips seem to support RGBW protocol
HTMLs have no support yet
&W= works
2017-10-12 17:09:59 +02:00

104 lines
2.7 KiB

* UDP notifier
void notify(uint8_t callMode)
if (!udpConnected) return;
switch (callMode)
case 1: if (!notifyDirect) return; break;
case 2: if (!notifyButton) return; break;
case 3: return;
case 4: if (!notifyDirect) return; break;
case 6: if (!notifyDirect) return; break; //fx change
default: return;
byte udpOut[16];
udpOut[0] = 0; //0: wled notifier protocol 1: WARLS protocol
udpOut[1] = callMode;
udpOut[2] = bri;
udpOut[3] = col[0];
udpOut[4] = col[1];
udpOut[5] = col[2];
udpOut[6] = nightlightActive;
udpOut[7] = nightlightDelayMins;
udpOut[8] = effectCurrent;
udpOut[9] = effectSpeed;
udpOut[10] = white;
IPAddress broadcastIp;
broadcastIp = ~WiFi.subnetMask() | WiFi.gatewayIP();
notifierUdp.beginPacket(broadcastIp, udpPort);
notifierUdp.write(udpOut, 16);
void handleNotifications()
if(udpConnected && receiveNotifications){
int packetSize = notifierUdp.parsePacket();
if(packetSize && notifierUdp.remoteIP() != WiFi.localIP())
notifierUdp.read(udpIn, packetSize);
if (udpIn[0] == 0) //wled notifier
col[0] = udpIn[3];
col[1] = udpIn[4];
col[2] = udpIn[5];
white = udpIn[10];
if (udpIn[8] != effectCurrent)
effectCurrent = udpIn[8];
if (udpIn[9] != effectSpeed)
effectSpeed = udpIn[9];
nightlightActive = udpIn[6];
if (!udpIn[6])
bri = udpIn[2];
} else if (udpIn[0] == 1 && realtimeEnabled) //warls
if (packetSize > 1) {
if (udpIn[1] == 0)
arlsTimeout = false;
} else {
if (!arlsTimeout){
strip.setRange(0, ledcount-1, 0);
arlsTimeout = true;
arlsTimeoutTime = millis() + 1000*udpIn[1];
for (int i = 2; i < packetSize -3; i += 4)
if (udpIn[i] + arlsOffset < ledcount && udpIn[i] + arlsOffset >= 0)
if (useGammaCorrectionRGB)
strip.setIndividual(udpIn[i] + arlsOffset, ((uint32_t)gamma8[udpIn[i+1]] << 16) | ((uint32_t)gamma8[udpIn[i+2]] << 8) | gamma8[udpIn[i+3]]);
} else {
strip.setIndividual(udpIn[i], ((uint32_t)udpIn[i+1] << 16) | ((uint32_t)udpIn[i+2] << 8) | udpIn[i+3]);
if (arlsTimeout && millis() > arlsTimeoutTime)
arlsTimeout = false;