Added sanity checking of received timestamp before using it.
Added millis() rollover protection in getEpochTime().
Added new function, setEpochTime(), to set NTPClient's internal currentEpoch from hardware RTC time.
Changed the default updateInterval to 1 hour.
Added 'Advanced_with_RTC' example to demonstrate new capabilities and accuracy.
The comment directs the reader to find a URL "above" for more information, but there is no such URL anywhere in the source code, and never was even when the comment was introduced to the repository on the first commit.
On every push, pull request, and periodically, use the codespell-project/actions-codespell action to check for commonly
misspelled words.
In the event of a false positive, the problematic word should be added, in all lowercase, to the ignore-words-list field
of ./.codespellrc. Regardless of the case of the word in the false positive, it must be in all lowercase in the ignore
list. The ignore list is comma-separated with no spaces.
Dependabot will periodically check the versions of all actions used in the repository's workflows. If any are found to
be outdated, it will submit a pull request to update them.
NOTE: Dependabot's PRs will sometimes try to pin to the patch version of the action (e.g., updating `uses: foo/bar@v1`
to `uses: foo/bar@v2.3.4`). When the action author has provided a major version ref, use that instead
(e.g., `uses: foo/bar@v2`). Dependabot will automatically close its PR once the workflow has been updated.
More information:
library.json is PlatformIO's native library manifest file but is also supported:
The library.json file has not been maintained. The version is outdated and it also has an incorrect `platforms` value. So the evidence makes it obvious that having two metadata files in this project has a harmful effect. Since the Arduino development software requires, the choice of keeping and removing library.json is clear.
The NTPClient method update() has been changed to only return "TRUE" after a successful update. The following conditions return "FALSE":
- Interval duration requirement not met
- forceUpdate() times out