Effect: 2D Matrix gap fix
This commit is contained in:
@ -5286,66 +5286,62 @@ uint16_t mode_2Dmatrix(void) { // Matrix2D. By Jeremy Williams.
const uint16_t cols = SEGMENT.virtualWidth();
const uint16_t rows = SEGMENT.virtualHeight();
uint16_t dataSize = (SEGLEN+7) >> 3; //1 bit per LED for trails
if (!SEGENV.allocateData(dataSize)) return mode_static(); //allocation failed
if (SEGENV.call == 0) {
memset(SEGMENT.data, 0, dataSize); // no falling spawns
SEGENV.aux0 = SEGENV.aux1 = UINT16_MAX;
SEGENV.step = 0;
uint8_t fade = map(SEGMENT.custom1, 0, 255, 50, 250); // equals trail size
uint8_t speed = (256-SEGMENT.speed) >> map(MIN(rows, 150), 0, 150, 0, 3); // slower speeds for small displays
CRGB spawnColor;
CRGB trailColor;
uint32_t spawnColor;
uint32_t trailColor;
if (SEGMENT.check1) {
spawnColor = SEGCOLOR(0);
trailColor = SEGCOLOR(1);
} else {
spawnColor = CRGB(175,255,175);
trailColor = CRGB(27,130,39);
spawnColor = RGBW32(175,255,175,0);
trailColor = RGBW32(27,130,39,0);
bool emptyScreen = true;
if (strip.now - SEGENV.step >= speed) {
SEGENV.step = strip.now;
// find out what color value is returned by gPC for a "falling code" example pixel
// the color values returned may differ from the previously set values, due to
// - auto brightness limiter (dimming)
// - lossy color buffer (when not using global buffer)
// - color balance correction
// - segment opacity
CRGB oldSpawnColor = spawnColor;
if ((SEGENV.aux0 < cols) && (SEGENV.aux1 < rows)) { // we have a hint from last run
oldSpawnColor = SEGMENT.getPixelColorXY(SEGENV.aux0, SEGENV.aux1); // find color of previous spawns
SEGENV.aux1 ++; // our sample pixel will be one row down the next time
if ((oldSpawnColor == CRGB::Black) || (oldSpawnColor == trailColor)) oldSpawnColor = spawnColor; // reject "black", as it would mean that ALL pixels create trails
// move pixels one row down. Falling codes keep color and add trail pixels; all others pixels are faded
for (int row=rows-1; row>=0; row--) {
for (int col=0; col<cols; col++) {
CRGB pix = SEGMENT.getPixelColorXY(col, row);
if (pix == oldSpawnColor) { // this comparison may still fail due to overlays changing pixels, or due to gaps (2d-gaps.json)
// TODO: it would be better to paint trails idividually instead of relying on fadeToBlackBy()
for (int row = rows-1; row >= 0; row--) {
for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
unsigned index = XY(col, row) >> 3;
unsigned bitNum = XY(col, row) & 0x07;
if (bitRead(SEGENV.data[index], bitNum)) {
SEGMENT.setPixelColorXY(col, row, trailColor); // create trail
if (row < rows-1) SEGMENT.setPixelColorXY(col, row+1, spawnColor);
} else {
// fade other pixels
if (pix != CRGB::Black) SEGMENT.setPixelColorXY(col, row, pix.nscale8(fade)); // optimization: don't fade black pixels
bitClear(SEGENV.data[index], bitNum);
if (row < rows-1) {
SEGMENT.setPixelColorXY(col, row+1, spawnColor);
index = XY(col, row+1) >> 3;
bitNum = XY(col, row+1) & 0x07;
bitSet(SEGENV.data[index], bitNum);
emptyScreen = false;
// check for empty screen to ensure code spawn
bool emptyScreen = (SEGENV.aux1 >= rows); // empty screen means that the last falling code has moved out of screen area
// spawn new falling code
if (random8() <= SEGMENT.intensity || emptyScreen) {
uint8_t spawnX = random8(cols);
SEGMENT.setPixelColorXY(spawnX, 0, spawnColor);
// update hint for next run
SEGENV.aux0 = spawnX;
SEGENV.aux1 = 0;
unsigned index = XY(spawnX, 0) >> 3;
unsigned bitNum = XY(spawnX, 0) & 0x07;
bitSet(SEGENV.data[index], bitNum);
} // if millis
} // mode_2Dmatrix()
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