Adding Collision

A couple of bugs still need sorting
This commit is contained in:
pjhatch 2020-07-02 14:16:25 -05:00
parent 84b7bfb989
commit 37cb51cfd6

View File

@ -2606,7 +2606,6 @@ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_balltrack(void) {
// non-chosen color is a random color
uint8_t numBalls = int(((SEGMENT.intensity * (maxNumBalls - 0.8f)) / 255) + 1);
unsigned long time = millis();
if ( == 0) {
@ -2614,38 +2613,72 @@ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_balltrack(void) {
balls[i].lastBounceUpdate = time;
balls[i].velocity = 0;
balls[i].velocity=10.*(-.5-float(random16(0, 10000)) / 10000.0); // from -5. to 5. note that sqt(2*9.8)= 4.4 max speed in bouncing ball mode
balls[i].velocity=10*(-.5-float(random16(0, 10000)) / 10000.0); // time units are ms
balls[i].height=(float(random16(0, 10000)) / 10000.0); // from 0. to 1.
balls[i].mass=(float(random16(5000, 10000)) / 10000.0); // from .5 to 1.
float cfac = float((255-SEGMENT.speed)*8/256 +1)*20000.; // this uses the Air cookie conversion factor for scaling time using speed slider
bool hasCol2 = SEGCOLOR(2);
fill(hasCol2 ? BLACK : SEGCOLOR(1));
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numBalls; i++) {
if(abs(balls[i].velocity)<.5) { // then I am guessing we have a new ball
if(abs(balls[i].velocity)<0) { // then I am guessing we have a new ball as intensity changed
balls[i].lastBounceUpdate = time;
balls[i].velocity = 0;
balls[i].velocity=10.*(-.5-float(random16(0, 10000)) / 10000.0); // from -5. to 5. note that sqt(2*9.8)= 4.4 max speed in bouncing ball mode
balls[i].velocity=10*(-.5-float(random16(0, 10000)) / 10000.0); // time units are ms
balls[i].height=(float(random16(0, 10000)) / 10000.0); // from 0. to 1.
balls[i].mass=(float(random16(5000, 10000)) / 10000.0); // from .5 to 1.
float timeSinceLastUpdate = (time - balls[i].lastBounceUpdate)/((255-SEGMENT.speed)*8/256 +1); //uses Air Cookie conversion
balls[i].height += balls[i].velocity * timeSinceLastUpdate/1000/10;
// test if intensity level was increased and some balls are way off the track
if(balls[i].height<-.5 || balls[i].height> 1.5){
float timeSinceLastUpdate = (time - balls[i].lastBounceUpdate)/cfac;
float thisHeight= balls[i].height + balls[i].velocity * timeSinceLastUpdate; // this method keeps higher resolution
// test if intensity level was increased and some balls are way off the track so put them back
if(thisHeight<-.5 || thisHeight> 1.5){
balls[i].height=(float(random16(0, 10000)) / 10000.0); // from 0. to 1.
balls[i].lastBounceUpdate = time;
// check if reached ends of the strip
if ((thisHeight <= 0. && balls[i].velocity<0)||(thisHeight >= 1. && balls[i].velocity>0)){
balls[i].velocity=-balls[i].velocity; // reverse velocity
balls[i].lastBounceUpdate = time;
// check for collisions
bool docol=true;
for(uint8_t j= i+1; j < numBalls; j++){
float timeSinceLastUpdate2 = (time - balls[j].lastBounceUpdate)/cfac;
float thisHeight2= balls[j].height + balls[j].velocity * timeSinceLastUpdate2;
bool collided=false;
//if((balls[i].height<=balls[j].height)&&(thisHeight>=thisHeight2)) collided=true;
//if((balls[i].height>balls[j].height)&&(thisHeight<=thisHeight2)) collided=true;
if((balls[i].height<=thisHeight2)&&(thisHeight>=thisHeight2)) collided=true;
if((balls[i].height> thisHeight2)&&(thisHeight<=thisHeight2)) collided=true;
if(balls[i].velocity==balls[j].velocity) collided=false; // avoid divide by zero
double tcollided=((balls[j].height*cfac-balls[j].velocity*double(balls[j].lastBounceUpdate))
- (balls[i].height*cfac-balls[i].velocity*double(balls[i].lastBounceUpdate)) )/
float hcollided=balls[i].height+ balls[i].velocity*(tcollided-balls[i].lastBounceUpdate)/cfac;
balls[i].lastBounceUpdate=(unsigned long)tcollided;
balls[j].lastBounceUpdate=(unsigned long)tcollided;
float vtmp=balls[i].velocity;
balls[j].velocity=((balls[j].mass-balls[i].mass)*balls[j].velocity + 2.*balls[i].mass*vtmp)/(balls[i].mass+balls[j].mass);
timeSinceLastUpdate = (time - tcollided)/cfac;
thisHeight= balls[i].height + balls[i].velocity * timeSinceLastUpdate; //
if (balls[i].height < 0. && balls[i].velocity<0) balls[i].velocity=-balls[i].velocity; //reverse velocity
if (balls[i].height > 1. && balls[i].velocity>0) balls[i].velocity=-balls[i].velocity; // reverse velocity
balls[i].lastBounceUpdate = time;
uint32_t color = SEGCOLOR(0);
if (SEGMENT.palette) {
@ -2654,7 +2687,9 @@ uint16_t WS2812FX::mode_balltrack(void) {
uint16_t pos = round(balls[i].height * (SEGLEN - 1));
if (thisHeight<0) thisHeight=0;
if (thisHeight>1) thisHeight=1;
uint16_t pos = round(thisHeight * (SEGLEN - 1));
setPixelColor(pos, color);