Blaz Kristan 6a096fbb27 Fixed #define typo.
Made usermod Auto Save runtime configurable.
String optimisations.
2021-04-12 21:10:47 +02:00

40 lines
1.5 KiB

# Rotary Encoder UI Usermod
First, thanks to the authors of the ssd11306_i2c_oled_u8g2 mod.
This usermod provides a four line display using either
128x32 or 128x64 OLED displays.
It's can operate independently, but starts to provide
a relatively complete on-device UI when paired with the
Rotary Encoder UI usermod. I strongly encourage you to use
them together.
[See the pair of usermods in action](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tITQY80rIOA)
## Installation
Copy and update the example `platformio_override.ini.sample`
from the Rotary Encoder UI usermode folder to the root directory of your particular build.
This file should be placed in the same directory as `platformio.ini`.
### Define Your Options
* `USERMOD_FOUR_LINE_DISPLAY` - define this to have this the Four Line Display mod included wled00\usermods_list.cpp - also tells Rotary Encoder usermod, if installed, that the display is available
* `FLD_PIN_SCL` - The display SCL pin, defaults to 5
* `FLD_PIN_SDA` - The display SDA pin, defaults to 4
* `FLIP_MODE` - Set to 0 or 1
* `LINE_HEIGHT` - Set to 1 or 2
There are other `#define` values in the Usermod that might be of interest.
### PlatformIO requirements
This usermod requires the `U8g2` and `Wire` libraries. See the
`platformio_override.ini.sample` found in the Rotary Encoder
UI usermod folder for how to include these using `platformio_override.ini`.
## Change Log
* First public release