2021-05-17 12:52:27 +02:00

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# Usermod Animated Staircase
This usermod makes your staircase look cool by switching it on with an animation. It uses
PIR or ultrasonic sensors at the top and bottom of your stairs to:
- Light up the steps in your walking direction, leading the way.
- Switch off the steps after you, in the direction of the last detected movement.
- Always switch on when one of the sensors detects movement, even if an effect
is still running. It can therewith handle multiple people on the stairs gracefully.
The Animated Staircase can be controlled by the WLED API. Change settings such as
speed, on/off time and distance settings by sending an HTTP request, see below.
## WLED integration
To include this usermod in your WLED setup, you have to be able to [compile WLED from source](https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/Compiling-WLED).
Before compiling, you have to make the following modifications:
Edit `usermods_list.cpp`:
1. Open `wled00/usermods_list.cpp`
2. add `#include "../usermods/Animated_Staircase/Animated_Staircase.h"` to the top of the file
3. add `usermods.add(new Animated_Staircase());` to the end of the `void registerUsermods()` function.
You can configure usermod using Usermods settings page.
Please enter GPIO pins for PIR sensors or ultrasonic sensor (trigger and echo).
If you use PIR sensor enter -1 for echo pin.
Maximum distance for ultrasonic sensor can be configured as a time needed for echo (see below).
## Hardware installation
1. Stick the LED strip under each step of the stairs.
2. Connect the ESP8266 pin D4 or ESP32 pin D2 to the first LED data pin at the bottom step
of your stairs.
3. Connect the data-out pin at the end of each strip per step to the data-in pin on the
other end of the next step, creating one large virtual LED strip.
4. Mount sensors of choice at the bottom and top of the stairs and connect them to the ESP.
5. To make sure all LEDs get enough power and have your staircase lighted evenly, power each
step from one side, using at least AWG14 or 2.5mm^2 cable. Don't connect them serial as you
do for the datacable!
You _may_ need to use 10k pull-down resistors on the selected PIR pins, depending on the sensor.
## WLED configuration
1. In the WLED UI, confgure a segment for each step. The lowest step of the stairs is the
lowest segment id.
2. Save your segments into a preset.
3. Ideally, add the preset in the config > LED setup menu to the "apply
preset **n** at boot" setting.
## Changing behavior through API
The Staircase settings can be changed through the WLED JSON api.
**NOTE:** We are using [curl](https://curl.se/) to send HTTP POSTs to the WLED API.
If you're using Windows and want to use the curl commands, replace the `\` with a `^`
or remove them and put everything on one line.
| Setting | Description | Default |
| enabled | Enable or disable the usermod | true |
| bottom-sensor | Manually trigger a down to up animation via API | false |
| top-sensor | Manually trigger an up to down animation via API | false |
To read the current settings, open a browser to `http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/json/state` (use your WLED
device IP address). The device will respond with a json object containing all WLED settings.
The staircase settings and sensor states are inside the WLED status element:
"state": {
"staircase": {
"enabled": true,
"bottom-sensor": false,
"tops-ensor": false
### Enable/disable the usermod
By disabling the usermod you will be able to keep the LED's on, independent from the sensor
activity. This enables to play with the lights without the usermod switching them on or off.
To disable the usermod:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d {"staircase":{"enabled":false}} \
To enable the usermod again, use `"enabled":true`.
Alternatively you can use _Usermod_ Settings page where you can change other parameters as well.
### Changing animation parameters and detection range of the ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor
Using _Usermod_ Settings page you can define different usermod parameters, includng sensor pins, delay between segment activation and so on.
When an ultrasonic sensor is enabled you can enter maximum detection distance in centimeters separately for top and bottom sensors.
**Please note:** that using an HC-SR04 sensor, particularly when detecting echos at longer
distances creates delays in the WLED software, and _might_ introduce timing hickups in your animations or
a less responsive web interface. It is therefore advised to keep the detection distance as short as possible.
### Animation triggering through the API
Instead of stairs activation by one of the sensors, you can also trigger the animation through
the API. To simulate triggering the bottom sensor, use:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"staircase":{"bottom-sensor":true}}' \
Likewise, to trigger the top sensor, use:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"staircase":{"top-sensor":true}}' \
You can publish a message with either `up` or `down` on topic `/swipe` to trigger animation.
You can also use `on` or `off` for enabling or disabling usermod.
Have fun with this usermod.<br/>
Modifications @blazoncek
## Change log
* Adaptation for runtime configuration.