srg74 8caeddde15
Spelling check by @wthomson (#2940)
A lot of spelling corrections. Now repo will sound like educated person :)

Co-authored-by: Bill Thomson <bt@kattt.org>
2022-12-10 16:12:55 +01:00

40 lines
1.6 KiB

# Rotary Encoder UI Usermod
First, thanks to the authors of other Rotary Encoder usermods.
This usermod starts to provide a relatively complete on-device
UI when paired with the Four Line Display usermod. I strongly
encourage you to try them together.
[See the pair of usermods in action](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tITQY80rIOA)
## Installation
Copy and update the example `platformio_override.ini.sample` to the root directory of your particular build.
This file should be placed in the same directory as `platformio.ini`.
### Define Your Options
* `USERMOD_ROTARY_ENCODER_UI` - define this to have this user mod included wled00\usermods_list.cpp
* `USERMOD_ROTARY_ENCODER_GPIO` - define the GPIO function (INPUT, INPUT_PULLUP, etc...)
* `USERMOD_FOUR_LINE_DISPLAY` - define this to have this the Four Line Display mod included wled00\usermods_list.cpp
also tells this usermod that the display is available
(see the Four Line Display usermod `readme.md` for more details)
* `ENCODER_DT_PIN` &nbsp;&nbsp;- defaults to 12
* `ENCODER_CLK_PIN` - defaults to 14
* `ENCODER_SW_PIN` &nbsp;&nbsp;- defaults to 13
`INPUT_PULLUP` to use internal pull-up
`INPUT` to use pull-up on the PCB
### PlatformIO requirements
No special requirements.
Note: the Four Line Display usermod requires the libraries `U8g2` and `Wire`.
## Change Log
* First public release